

On confirming normative documents to regulate the use of small vessels, bases for their anchorage, beaches and testing applicants seeking the right to run vessels
Об утверждении нормативных документов по упорядочению пользования маломерными судами, базами для их стоянок, пляжами и аттестации граждан на право управления судами

Document Number/Номер документа: 35320


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On confirming normative documents to regulate the use of small vessels, bases for their anchorage, beaches and testing applicants seeking the right to run vessels
On confirming normative documents to regulate the use of small vessels, bases for their anchorage, beaches and testing applicants seeking the right to run vessels

Document Number/Номер документа: 137-89

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On confirming normative documents to regulate the use of small vessels, bases for their anchorage, beaches and testing applicants seeking the right to run vessels
On confirming normative documents to regulate the use of small vessels, bases for their anchorage, beaches and testing applicants seeking the right to run vessels

Document Number/Номер документа: 10-49-94

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On confirming normative documents to regulate the use of small vessels, bases for their anchorage, beaches and testing applicants seeking the right to run vessels
On confirming normative documents to regulate the use of small vessels, bases for their anchorage, beaches and testing applicants seeking the right to run vessels

Document Number/Номер документа: Инструкция N 56 от 07.02.1998

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